The first room we will focus on in our new home is our bedroom. We agreed that having a nice place to sleep and relax was most important, especially since we will be working on the rest of the house all day. Like, the living room and dining room, I want our bedroom to feel cozy and comfortable. I want to be able to relax and fall onto a giant white cloud to fall asleep.
This is a pic of our room before it belonged to us.(Yes, the entire house was full of animal print decorations.) Anyhow, there is a long entryway to the room, there are patio doors to the right that open up to a private deck and the entrance to the master bathroom is on the left. There is also a row of windows above the patio doors, lots of sunlight!
The first goal is to change the color! I don’t even think I can sleep in a room so brown. Here’ the color scheme I chose.
I’ve already ordered a white fluffy and ruffly comforter from Joss and Main, but I can’t find a photo of it. Joss and Main is one of those “flash sale” sites with lots of incredible pieces for the home (Thanks Kali!). It looks a little like this one from Anthropologie…I think, I can hardly remember now!
My father-in-law is the most talented craftsmen ever, and sometimes, when I’m really sweet, I can convince him to build me something fabulous. Husband has learned a lot from his Dad’s craftsmen skills too. With the two of them, I am certain to get some beautiful furniture created for our new home. My first project for them is a headboard.
I LOVE this natural looking carved headboard, but my father-in-law is actually upset because it’s too easy and simple. Oh well, he can do easy things too.
There are so many excellent ideas for a master bedroom on Pinterest! I’ll try to narrow down my board and share my favorite ideas with you.
In this one, I love the bench at the end of the bed, the lamps and the bedside dresser.
Then there’s this romantic room. The chandelier, the wooden dresser, the big white chair and the neutral colors are so peaceful.
In this next one I really like the bright pop of color. The lamps are really nice and I especially like the French doors. One day I will change our sliding patio doors to French doors.
This cute little room has a great shaggy rug and I like the idea of keeping a dresser at the end of the bed instead of against the wall.
One thing I want the most is an occasional table that slides over the bed. I am ALWAYS doing work in bed. I work on my laptop, watch TV, read, eat and whatever else is possible. Wouldn’t it be perfect to work on this table then just roll it to the end of the bed when it’s time to sleep or get up in the morning?
I’ve found lots of cute night-stands on Pinterest too, that I think they can be created inexpensively. My idea is to get a couple used stands, sand them, paint them and create my own beautiful refurbished nightstand.
Only 3 more days until I join Husband in our new home and can finally start all of the many many projects I’ve planned!